I'm turning 32 today. In my head, I keep hearing (football style) "Blue! 32! Hut!" Do you hear it? No? Just me? I got those same looks at the dinner table when I told Hunter that'd been going through my head, too. Ah, well.
So, a birthday. How do I feel? Honestly, I feel like this is going to be a really great year. I'm not one to have age crises...crisis'....? Because Archer changes so much from day to day, everything is always new. It will be neat to take him out for lots of "firsts" this year as a family, and I'm looking forward to taking him fishing and hunting this summer and fall now that he's sturdier and better able to handle all those new environments.
I'm in a really good place in my life. Happily married. Happy kid. Happy home life. Awesome friends nearby, hobbies that fulfil me, good health. Seriously, there is so little drama in our life it's ridiculous. We're so blessed. I feel like I should be ashamed of my joy, or like I should downplay how happy we are or make some apologies for sounding like I have a perfect life, but why? Why SHOULDN'T I be proud of the life we've built? Why can't I embrace this great time in our lives, and acknowlege it for what it is?
I'm glad I had the five years at my government cubicle job so that I appreciate being out of that cubicle. I was good at what I did, but it was a huge downer to go to my office everyday. I gained a lot of insights about human nature, though, and it feels good to know that I can get, and keep, a good job like that. That may sound so basic but every day I met people who could not for the life of them achieve something that is so necessary for everyday survival. Just to keep a job. To show up day after day, and get along with people. I digress. *squirrel!* My point is, I'm glad I had the years I did in the work force to gain credibility and professional skills. I hope I am able to find opportunities during these years at home to maintain those skills and stay relevant in the professional world. I hope I'm open to opportunities while maintaining my immediate focus at this time, which is to raise and nurture our son, and keep a nice home for my husband to come home to every night.
There are days now where I could get tired of that constant task of "keeping a house": days where I get tired of going up and down the stairs for diaper changes and laundry delivery and the millionth toy pick up. But every time I turn around I see something to smile about. The cute baby babbling on the floor. The dogs running out the door on deer patrol. The horses lounging in the sun on a rare warm day. The cats trying to sneak up on a bird outside. I hope I remember to sock those memories away, and realize this time is precious. I hope I am purposeful in making this coming year of my life the best one yet.
Happy Birthday, me!
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